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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Art Materials (Pigments)

Hello Reader,

In continuation, I received my Earth Pigments order rather quickly (I live just one state away) - I can honestly say I have no complaints. Also, you may have noticed it has been longer than usual since the last post, but I didn't want to bore you with useless info. I thought, better yet, I should use what I ordered and then write.

More than often common sense should tell us that adding a pigment to a medium is going to change its richness and darken that pigment; various mediums will offer differing results. Encaustic is no different and is reminiscent of how much rain changes the depth of colors in the southwestern landscape. I am only mentioning this as a friendly reminder when ordering pigments that unless the seller/distributer relays some kind of visual information on how much their pigments will change when combined with a medium, you must make the educated guess to what it might look like. A few tips on pigments are listed below.

*Remember that the medium will change the richness/darkness of the pigment; think about how things look wet.
*Measure by weight not volume when possible, pigment can settle or become compact among other things and it is difficult to correctly measure by volume; weighing will give you exactly what you need to be successful.
*Ventilate and wear a dust mask or respirator when working with pigments; many pigment are inert (basically like dirt), but others like cobalts and cadmiums can make you sick when improperly handled.
*Encaustic also has a few 'non' compatible pigments. Be sure with any medium that it is compatible- usually the distributor will tell you what is and isn't (Read more about encaustic and Pigments).
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